Shop Now For Best Electric Rates 2020
Winter is fast approaching and that means the end of the current Eversource standard offer service rates (SOS). That’s why savvy energy shoppers are already shopping for a better Danbury electric plan deals now. Don’t let the new year come without finding the best electric rates for your home.
Compare To Eversource SOS Rates
Danbury residents naturally want the best deals for their dollar. But understanding your home’s energy usage gives you the best insight into how much you might pay. For example, the average monthly residential electricity consumption in Connecticut is 689 kilowatt-hours (kWh). Right now, Eversource customers are currently paying 7.375 cents per kWh. That means paying a monthly generation charge of about $50.81 until the rate expires this coming December 31. The problem is that electricity rates are expected to rise this winter as generator fuel prices climb. This coming year’s US electric rates could grow by 0.9%.
Danbury’s Best 13 Month Electric Plan
Public Power’s Standard Fixed plan charges 8.19 cents per kWh rate. Assuming the same 689 kWh usage, this means an average monthly generation charge of about $56.42 for 13 months. Public Power adds value to the package with the discounts and cash-back deals available through their Public Power Perks program. Public Power also ranks in the top three of energy companies for customer service and satisfaction.
When the plan ends, Public Power customers that remain will automatically be enrolled into a new fixed-rate renewal term.
Compare Risk-Free 12 Month Electric
Starion Energy’s EcoGreen Secure 12 plan offers 12 months of service with a 7.99 cents per kWh rate. This rate means an average monthly generation charge of about $55.05. Besides renewable energy for your home, this plan makes customers eligible for the dining and travel discounts available from the Starion Rewards program. No early termination fee (ETF) makes this a risk-free option.
Unless you cancel or switch, this Starion Energy plan will renew to a new term rate and length.
Consider Benefits And Drawbacks Of New Term Length
More companies could roll out more 13 (or even 14) month fixed-rate options in the near future. These non-standard term length plans offer a few clear benefits and drawbacks that are worth considering.
Subscribing to longer term length plans now, may lead to bigger savings when compared to plans that will come in future months. Longer-term enrollment with top-rated energy companies is a great choice if you find a company that you trust and enjoy. These plans also offer price stability making budgeting easier.
On the other hand, 13 month plans that you enroll in now would end their initial term around December 2021. This could land you to face higher rates in the first quarter of 2022. Some energy shoppers may also prefer less commitment with shorter-term length plans.
Which Term Length Plans Right For You?
The choice between term rates and lengths boils down to what matters most to your household. Public Power’s Standard Fixed plan might be best for customers wanting longer service and benefits from a top-rated company. Choose Starion Energy’s EcoGreen Secure 12 plan if you prefer risk-free renewable energy for your home. You can also learn more about saving money and energy by comparing rates and plans at https://www.ctenergyratings.com.