About the PURA Complaints Scorecard

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One way the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) helps inform energy consumers is through its yearly Complaint Scorecard. The scorecard is based on an index of the number of complaints per 100,000 customers. That means that while it doesn’t report the exact number of complaints made, the limited size of the customer sample provides a way to compare both large and small companies. PURA only considers those complaints that are reported to them; in other words,  calls, letters or e-mails from customers who first contacted the utility company about their complaint but remained dissatisfied even after speaking to the utility company. Also, the scorecard only reflects the number of customer complaints of dissatisfaction with a company and not the validity of those complaints.

How the Complaint Scorecard Counts

Complaints are tallied regarding billing, deposit, general complaint, installation, meter testing, outages, pay arrangement, quality of service, slamming, and termination. PURA takes such complaints seriously and in the past has launched investigations uncovering egregious cases of bad actors trying to defraud consumers.  In 2016, PURA measured a total of 1272 complaints made against electric utilities. Of those, the bulk, a total of 1040, were about Eversource. Of these, about half were concerned with payment and termination. By comparison, there were only 453 complaints made about 34 electricity suppliers. Of these, the largest recipient was Liberty Power who had only 70 complaints overall, with 39 falling into the “general complaints” category. Meanwhile, 14 suppliers had five complaints or fewer.

Savvy Shoppers Check Out Reviews

When you’re shopping for a Connecticut electricity supplier, one insightful way to begin comparing energy providers is to review the PURA Complain Scorecard. Not only should you compare electricity suppliers but also check out complaints against Eversource or UI. Next, check out how they rank at Connecticut Energy Ratings. We rank companies based on multiple independent data sources including customer reviews, plan comparisons, and standing with the Better Business Bureau. We’ll help you sort the good, the bad, and really great ones to help you find the best deal for your needs.

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