Best Fixed Rate Electricity in Stamford, CT

Don't skimp on the Halloween treats because of high electricity rates in Stamford, CT!
Don’t skimp on the Halloween treats because of high electricity rates in Stamford, CT! Here’s how to grab the best energy plan at a low, competitive rate!

Are Your Electric Rates Too High?

If you’re like many Stamford residents, the sight of cute costumed kids on your doorstep shouting “Trick or Treat!” this Halloween fills you with the blackest dread. That’s because you’ve skimped on the candy because you know your up-coming winter energy bills will be way too high. Now, if you don’t want to see disappointed children with big, sad eyes or spend the next morning scraping soap and toilet paper off your car, the best thing you can do is to shop for a new electricity provider.

Fortunately, you need not wait for the full moon or the right stars to align. Right now is the perfect time to switch to the best electric rates in CT.

How to Shop for Cheap Electric Rates

Smart Stamford shoppers will look for electric companies in CT with a high customer satisfaction rating. They also compare plans that offer low rates and convenient terms of service that best meet their needs. But that’s not all there is.

Experienced electricity shoppers should also know their usage so they can anticipate how much they’ll also pay in monthly distribution charges. Currently, UI Residential Distribution charges include a $12.84 basic service charge and a winter time (October to May) usage rate of 9.1435 cents per kWh. Assuming the EIA’s average monthly electricity consumption of 724 kWh for Connecticut, just multiply the usage rate by 724 kWh and then add the basic service charge:

724 kWh x $0.091435 per kWh = $66.20

$66.20 + $12.84 = $79.04

The distribution charges break down per kWh this way:

Step 1 $12.84 basic service charge/724 kWh = $0.017735 per kWh
Step 2 Usage rate charged = $0.091435 per kWh
Step 3 Basic service charge per kWh + usage rate = $0.10917 total price per kWh
Step 4 Total distribution price x 724 kWh = $79.04 total billed distribution cost


Either way, this means that for any plan in the UI service territory, customers with an average usage of 724 kWh per month can pay about $79 in distirbution charges alone on their bill without factoring in a plan’s energy charge. In some case, this alone can double the amount of the monthly bill.

The Best Electric Rate in Stamford

Public Power offers great deals to Stamford customers with their 12 Month Fixed plan. With a supply charge of only 9.30¢ per kWh, customers can expect an average energy bill of about $76. The terms of service also guarantee that after the initial term, you’ll be automatically enrolled into a new fixed-rate term, but can cancel within two months of the renewal term at no cost to you.

Choosing the Right Electric Company in CT

But the price isn’t the only thing you should think about when selecting a power plan for your home. Even if Public Power has the lowest price for a 12-month fixed service, will they give you the customer service you deserve?

According to user reviews, Public Power stands tall in the top three of electric companies in CT. When customers talk about Public Power, most of the feedback shares the same love for their low prices and prompt customer service. That’s why it’s rated as a 3.6-star company.

Is This 12-Month Electric Plan Right For You?

With Halloween right around the corner, we all want a little more money in our pocket so we can scare up the fun. That’s why now’s the best time to choose the cheapest fixed-rate plan for Stamford residents. You can learn more about pricing and energy shopping by comparing rates and plans at

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