October 16, 2020Cheap Electricity Rates, CT Electricity Rates, Eversource Electricity Rates, Fixed Rates, Public Power, Trends, Uncategorized New Length Electric Plans in Danbury, CT Shop Now For Best Electric Rates 2020 Winter is fast approaching and that […]
October 9, 2020Cheap Electricity Rates, Consumer Advocacy, CT Electricity Rates, Customer Service, Eversource Electricity Rates, Green/Renewable Energy, Trends, UI, Uncategorized, United Illuminating CT Senate Passes Utility Reform Bill Utility Reform Bill Seeks to Help Ratepayers CT residents have been keeping […]
October 1, 2020September 28, 2020Best Electricity Suppliers, Cheap Electricity Rates, CT Electricity Rates, Fixed Rates, UI, Uncategorized, United Illuminating Best 12 Month Electricity Rate In West Haven Shopping for the Best Electricity Rates The price of natural gas is […]
September 23, 2020Cheap Electricity Rates, CT Electricity Rates, Eversource Electricity Rates, Fixed Rates, Uncategorized Get the Cheapest Fixed Electricity Rate in Waterbury, CT Choose The Best Electricity Rates In Waterbury We’re only a few months […]
August 26, 2020November 16, 2021Best Electricity Suppliers, Cheap Electricity Rates, CT Electricity Rates, Eversource Electricity Rates, Trends, UI, Uncategorized, United Illuminating What’s Driving Eversource Electricity Delivery Charge Increases? PURA Investigates July Bill Outrage High July bills shocked CT residents in Eversource’s […]
August 7, 2020Cheap Electricity Rates, Consumer Advocacy, CT Electricity Rates, Deregulated Electricity, Eversource Electricity Rates, Green/Renewable Energy, PURA, Uncategorized Will Eversource Rate Suspension Hit Your Electricity? PURA Suspends Eversource Rate Increase Eversource customers have seen their first bills […]
July 30, 2020July 21, 2020Best Electricity Suppliers, Cheap Electricity Rates, Constellation Energy, CT Electricity Rates, Eversource Electricity Rates, Fixed Rates, Green/Renewable Energy, Public Power, Trends, Uncategorized Why Lock In a 24 Month CT Electricity Plan Now? You might be thinking about settling with Eversource after their July 1 […]
July 28, 2020June 22, 2020Best Electricity Suppliers, Cheap Electricity Rates, CT Electricity Rates, Eversource Electricity Rates, Fixed Rates, Hartford, Uncategorized Cheapest Electricity Rates in Hartford, CT Save Money By Shopping Now If your high electricity bills have been causing […]
July 24, 2020July 20, 2020Best Electricity Suppliers, Cheap Electricity Rates, Constellation, CT Electricity Rates, Direct Energy, Eversource Electricity Rates, Green/Renewable Energy, Public Power, Uncategorized Best Electricity Rates in Norwalk, CT Since July 1, Eversource customers have been enjoying reduced generation supply rates. […]
June 22, 2020Cheap Electricity Rates, Consumer Advocacy, Covid-19, CT Electricity Rates, Customer Service, Energy Efficiency, New Haven, PURA, UI, Uncategorized, United Illuminating UI Offers Covid-19 Monthly Payment Plan Energy Shopping During Moratorium We’re only a week away from the end of […]