August 7, 2020Cheap Electricity Rates, Consumer Advocacy, CT Electricity Rates, Deregulated Electricity, Eversource Electricity Rates, Green/Renewable Energy, PURA, Uncategorized Will Eversource Rate Suspension Hit Your Electricity? PURA Suspends Eversource Rate Increase Eversource customers have seen their first bills […]
June 22, 2020Cheap Electricity Rates, Consumer Advocacy, Covid-19, CT Electricity Rates, Customer Service, Energy Efficiency, New Haven, PURA, UI, Uncategorized, United Illuminating UI Offers Covid-19 Monthly Payment Plan Energy Shopping During Moratorium We’re only a week away from the end of […]
March 18, 2020January 5, 2022Cheap Electricity Rates, Constellation Energy, CT Electricity Rates, Eversource Electricity Rates, PURA, UI, Uncategorized, United Illuminating Can’t Pay Connecticut Utility Bill During Coronavirus? Coronavirus and Your Utility Bills The Coronavirus (or Covid-19) outbreak news over […]
February 25, 2020Best Electricity Suppliers, CT Electricity Rates, Eversource Electricity Rates, Fixed Rates, PURA, Trends, UI, Uncategorized, United Illuminating CT PURA To Debate New Electric Supplier Marketing Rules Proposed PURA Electricity Supplier Regulations The Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) […]
April 2, 2019March 29, 2019Best Electricity Suppliers, Cheap Electricity Rates, Consumer Advocacy, CT Electricity Rates, Deregulated Electricity, Eversource Electricity Rates, Fixed Rates, PURA, UI, Uncategorized, United Illuminating How Can I Shop CT Electricity And Save Money? Are Connecticut electricity consumers paying too much? The Office of Consumer Counsel […]
March 13, 2019Cheap Electricity Rates, Consumer Advocacy, CT Electricity Rates, Deregulated Electricity, Fixed Rates, PURA, Uncategorized CT Legislators Trying To Ban Retail Choice Why ban choice in CT’s electric market? On February 4, 2019, Connecticut […]