How Many kWh Does A Fridge Use Per Day?

Do you know how many kWh your fridge costs you? High CT electricity rates are not the only reason. Learn about energy efficient refrigerators and how they affect your energy bills.
High CT electricity rates are not the only reason you may have a high bill. A dirty, poorly kept fridge could be costing you extra. An old model could be costing you even more!

Is Your Refrigerator Using Too Much Electricity?

Last month, we talked about how refrigerators contribute about 3% of the kWh used in a Connecticut home. If you consider the EIA estimated monthly usage for CT residents, that means out of average monthly total of 724 kWh, about 21.72 kWh goes just to refrigeration. Depending on the age and size of their fridge, that means some CT residents are paying $3 or more on electricity each month just to run it. Even if you’re getting the best electric rates in CT, you could still be paying more than you should.

The trick to cutting your refrigerator costs is to keep your current fridge running efficiently. If your current model is showing its age, you’ll want to know how to shop for new energy efficient model.  Luckily, we can show you how to do all of  that right now.

How Much Electricity Does Your Fridge Use?

According to Energy Guide, 70% of refrigerators sold are Top Mount models with the freezer unit on top and a large refrigeration unit on the bottom. Side-by-side models with a freezer unit on one side and the fridge on the other account for 25% of all models sold.

a side-by-side fridge often consumes 25% more electricity than a Top Mount model. That means that the estimated 21.72 kWh used for your fridge increases to 27.15 kWh or about $2.87 in generation charges.

About 15% of homes purchase a second fridge at some point for extra storage or to keep food for special occasions. This extra fridge, if left running, could double your refrigeration power consumption leading to a high CT electricity bill.

But there are things you can do to cut costs.

Refrigerator Electricity Conservation Tips

Let’s expand on some of the quick energy-saving tips we talked about before.

Keeping your fridge full but not overpacked increases energy efficiency. Reduced airflow leads to ice buildup that makes it harder for your fridge to regulate temperature properly. Not only can it increase food spoilage but it can damage your refrigerator. But don’t leave your fridges empty either. Since using a whole fridge for one jar of sauce is a whole lot of wasted energy and space.

If you own a second fridge and don’t use it often, then unplug it. Not powering that unneeded fridge could save you around $2.87 for the average side-by-side unit.

These tips save you money now, but let’s look at the best long-term savings tip.

Choose Energy-Efficient Refrigerators And Freezers

Whether you are replacing your main or second fridge, flipping older models for energy-efficient products will save you money in the long run, while reducing carbon pollution. You can find out how much you can save by trying out the ENERGY STAR refrigerator calculator.  If you replace a 19 cubic foot Top Mount model you purchased in 2005, you would save $233 over five years and reduce carbon pollution by 411 lbs in the same time frame. Just don’t forget to recycle your old units. Newer units also avoid the hassle of dealing with common energy myths.

Choosing the most efficient refrigerators saves you money and protects the environment while being as easy as shopping for the best energy companies.

Save Money With The Right CT Electricity Rate

Your fridge is the fourth or fifth largest part of your energy bill, usually consuming around 3% of your monthly power. You can save money on your refrigeration costs by following a few easy to manage tips. Consider using a smaller fridge if you don’t need as much space. Make sure your fridge is full without being packed tight. Unplug any units that you are not using. Lastlly, remember that the biggest long-term savings come from purchasing an energy-efficient model.

You can learn more about saving money on energy by comparing rates and plans at

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