Shop Waterbury’s Best Short Term Electric

Shop the best short term electric plans and cut your monthly Eversource bills. Grab a competitive rate and save money for your family.
Eversource customers in Waterbury might be using more electricity in their homes but they don’t need to pay higher the higher PTC rate for it. Shop the best short term electric plans now and start saving!

All eyes on electricity suppliers rates

Waterbury customers have been shocked by bill spikes. While it initially appears that Eversource raised its delivery charges the fact is that CT customers are actually using more electricity. These higher charges are the result of more customers working and learning from home. Add to that the January 1 rate increase on for generation supply and CT rate payers are finding themselves with bigger CT electricity bills. That’s why Waterbury customers may want to shop the best short term electric plans available right now.

Why Shop Lower Priced Electricity

Bloomberg Energy  explains that from January 27 to February 17, natural gas prices jumped from $2.71 per mmBTU to $3.28 per mmBTU. The cold winter has increased gas consumption for home heating. With more customers staying home to work and learn, their increased monthly energy use is also increasing their bills.

Eversource’s current supply rate is 8.391 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh). That rate stays in place until July 1st, 2021.  However, when you factor in further price fallout from the Texas freeze and there’s a greater possibility of a summer rate hike.

Shop The Best Electric Rates in CT

To shop best short term electric plans, it helps to compare costs. So for example, let’s say Waterbury customers running an energy efficient clothes dryer  use about 100 kWh of energy per year and spend about .83 cents per month to power it.

Starion Energy offers a great plan for customers who want the lowest possible rates. Their Starion Secure 8 plan charges 7.39 cents per kWh. This means that powering an energy-efficient clothes dryer would cost about 75 cents per month. Frequent shoppers and diners will also appreciate the Starion Rewards program that can earn customers up to $1,200 in savings per year. Best of all, customers can cancel or switch if better rates come along, since there’s no early termination fee.

Public Power provides a competitive alternative for customers valuing highly-rated customer service. The Electric 8 Month Standard Fixed Rate plan charges 7.49 cents per kWh. This rate can power energy-effcient clothes dryers for around 75 cents per month. The Power Perks program adds value by providing daily discounts on major retailers that can earn rewards including $25 prepaid gift cards or $50 gifts towards energy-efficient products.

Renewable Electricity Suppliers Rates

Starion Energy also offers the best cost renewable energy plan with their EcoGreen Secure 8 plan. For 7.69 cents per kWh, Waterbury customers can cut their carbon footprint using renewable power in their home. This rate could power energy efficient clothes dryers for about 77 cents per month. Starion Energy customers can also enjoy the Starion Rewards program as well as a lack of early termination fee.

Find Lower Electricity in Waterbury, CT

If you were surprised by your recent Waterbury energy bill, then now’s the time to shop best short term electric rates. Avoid Eversource’s charges by finding better rates. Starion Energy‘s plans are both excellent options to consider. The Starion Secure 8 plan offers the lowest price but to cut your carbon footprint and help the environment for just a little more, then the EcoGreen Secure 8 plan is your best option.

Learn more about retail suppliers, saving money and energy, and comparing rates and plans at

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