Constellation - Company Information

About Constellation

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PURA#: 06-07-11

Constellation is the US's largest producer of carbon-free energy and a leader of retail supply of power, natural gas and home services for residences across the nation. Headquartered in Baltimore, their generation fleet produces enough energy to power 15 million homes and is helping to accelerate the nation's shift to clean energy with more than 32,400 megawatts of capacity and annual output that is 90 percent carbon-free. Constellation serves approximately 2 million residential, public sector and business customers, including three-fourths of the Fortune 100.

CT Energy Ratings Score:

( 3.4 / 5 )
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Constellation Customer Engagement

1205   Reviews

441   Replies

Response Rate:
36.60 %

This graph ranks Price, Plans, Promotion, Order Experience, Customer Service, Billing, Account Management, Likelihood to recommend and Overall score of Constellation

1205 Reviews and 441 Replies for Constellation

It's a toss up between pretty bad and positively awful

(1.4 / 5)

  Three months and three customer service calls to get the billing right. Cannot tell me whether I will get a check or credit on Con-Ed account for their overfilling

December 26th, 2019

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(1.4 / 5)

  signing up was no problem. They sent us an order number and confirmation but as far as we know we are not getting anything from constellation. My last bill did not reflect constellation. This does not make us happy!

Peter Barthelemy
December 21st, 2019

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Not good

(1.4 / 5)

  Customer support is terrible. They have no idea what theyre doing and how their billing is done. -Crazy that you would sell a service with no clue how its billed. On a call for 45min while the guy was researching answes(I guess) until he hung up.

Dont use
June 4th, 2019

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Bait & Switch

(1.4 / 5)

  I your advertised rate for Constellation and signed up for it. When they sent me my confirmation, a higher rate was given. I immediately emailed them for an answer (and to have a legal copy of the document on hand). I got a canned reply saying I would have an answer on 2-3 business days. I had to call them 2 weeks later since I received no other reply. I cancelled their service since they did not answer me and they did a "bait and switch" on pricing. I though I was signing up for .481/CCF but they gave me .499/CCF

Very poor customer service.

Constellation Bait and Switch
April 11th, 2019

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Poor Customer Service

(1.4 / 5)

  The best the company can do for turn-on service is an 8 hour window. They can't provide a more narrow time frame so I have to take the whole day off to be at home. They won't give a notice before they arrive, and if I have to head to the store for anything and miss them then it'll be a whole 24 hours more to have a service rep arrive. Very bad customer service.

Billing canceled my auto payment which in turn canceled my account. Once I learned they were no longer accepting my billing because of a decision they made, I paid in my bill in full. But, 2 weeks after I pay, they send a rep out to turn off my gas. What company turns off service to a fully paid customer and won't turn it back on until the next day and only with an adult present at the house. I lose my gas service and a whole day of work just for a terrible company like Constellation. I am a very dissatisfied customer.

I am happy with the pricing of the service, but the price does not make up for the terrible service provided. Do not sign up with Constellation Gas or Atlanta Gas Light Service.

August 1st, 2018

We are so sorry to hear about your negative experience. Give us a call at 1-866-917-8271 so we can be sure to solve this issue.

Constellation Responds September 26th, 2018
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Bad Billing

(1.4 / 5)

  Have receive three bills this month already .Talk to two different Customer service Rep. never one could help me .Your new billing you change to is bad . Had no problem with old one .

Lloyd Campbell
June 18th, 2018

We are so sorry to hear about your negative experience. Give us a call at 1-866-917-8271 so we can be sure to solve this issue.

Constellation Responds September 26th, 2018
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Watch out your bill!!!!!

(1.4 / 5)

  I've been with this company for over 3 years. I used to really happy with the rate they have to offer until this year. I did not receive any contract expire like I used to. The price went up and I did not know because they did not send me the bill in the mail any more. I called in to ask why I was not notified this year. The representative said it was sent out both in the mail and e-mail.. I checked many times from all the mails I had but not found. The new rate for renew changed from $4.99 for min 499 kWh to$9.45.. I told him I was offered from Reliant Energy with lower rate plus $150 credit, he said he cannot do anything about. Okay then.. time to say bye..

Nipapak K.
May 30th, 2018

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and thank you for your feedback. StarTex Power is more than happy to investigate your concerns related to your contract expiration, as StarTex Power sends all Residential customers notice when their contract term is ending, at least 30 days prior to the contract end date. Please email us at, with your account details, we would appreciate the opportunity to address your concerns, as our customers are our #1 Priority.

Constellation Responds October 7th, 2013
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Whatch out for Star Tex contract

(1.4 / 5)

  I have been with Star Tex a few years and let contract expire, they go straight to the highest rate they can give you in my case from .9 to .14 increasing my bill by more than a third. They do not care about retaining there customers, I would not suggest them to any one, they give you the excuse of sorry that what it is, when just about every other company out there has month to month for about .10 average. THATS bad business policy and that's how you loose customers. Thanks Ken

KB Lue
May 30th, 2018

StarTex Power appreciates the opportunity to respond to this posting, as we take Customer Service and any claims of customer concerns very seriously. We investigated this situation, and are attempting to contact Mr. Ken Lue to discuss this issue.

Constellation Responds October 10th, 2013
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DO NOT sign with StarTex

(1.4 / 5)

  I have never been so mistreated by a company in my life. They ran my payment through 7-10 days before it was authorized. They did reverse it however it took several days to correct on my end. During that time i acquired $280 in over drafts fees. They were credited to my account. They did the same thing a month later only they didn't correct it and only gave me 50% reimbursement of the fees. I had letters from my bank, bank statements and even allowed them to contact my local branch to get it resolved once and for all.

I want to say that StarTex WAS a wonderful company and we never had a single issue. Until CONSTELLATION bought them.

Not Happy
May 30th, 2018

We are so sorry to hear about your negative experience. Give us a call at 1-866-917-8271 so we can be sure to solve this issue.

Constellation Responds September 12th, 2018
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It's easy to start but to renew....

(1.4 / 5)

  Contract came to an end....they raised their rates (not a biggie) but when you try to's MORE! compared to what's in their mailings. You call and speak to someone, they play the tag game and send you to another operator in which you are on hold for a Loooooonnnnnnngggggg time! Finally gave up as it seems they don't care about my account so I left.....see ya StarTex!

May 30th, 2018

We are so sorry to hear about your negative experience. Give us a call at 1-866-917-8271 so we can be sure to solve this issue.

Constellation Responds September 12th, 2018
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Poor Customer Service

(1.4 / 5)

  I've been a Star Tex customer for 4 years now. Customer Service Rates right up there with Charter Cable. If you enjoy being on hold for 30 minutes to 1 hour plus, then Star Tex is the Company for you. Since the billing change over in January they have consistently sent e-mails stating that my account is past due, even though I spent an hour on hold re-authorizingt my automatic draft account. They really need to get their act together or they will soon be hated as much as Charter Cable/TXU and the Rest of the MONOPOLYS.

Larry Ledbetter
May 30th, 2018

We are so sorry to hear about your negative experience. Give us a call at 1-866-917-8271 so we can be sure to solve this issue.

Constellation Responds September 26th, 2018
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Awful Customer Service

(1.4 / 5)

  During the past few months they went through some type of overhaul with their payments systems and it has caused a lot of issues. I even received a letter in the mail in the beginning of Feb. saying that I would receive a $25 credit to my account because they acknowledged the issues. It is now March 26th and I have yet to receive any type of credit to my account. I have never waited on their customer service line for less than an hour.

May 30th, 2018

We are so sorry to hear about your negative experience. Give us a call at 1-866-917-8271 so we can be sure to solve this issue.

Constellation Responds September 26th, 2018
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(1.4 / 5)

  I signed up for electricity with Star Tex Power for the price of 4.7 cents per kwh for every monthly usage over 1000 kwh. If I go over 2000 kwh then its 5.4 cents. EVERY MONTH without exception they have OVER CHARGED me. I have addressed this matter and sought a resoluion EVERY MONTH. Even the mangers can't /won't fix it. Their response to me is that the rate is based off of the usage. Are they deaf ??/ My usage is in line with the price. I AM SICK OF THEIR EXCUSES, and refusal to honor the terms of the agreement. This company is corrupt, under handed, and deceitful. I will NEVER again use them. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY !!!

karen young
May 30th, 2018

We are so sorry to hear about your negative experience. Give us a call at 1-866-917-8271 so we can be sure to solve this issue.

Constellation Responds September 12th, 2018
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Good riddance

(1.4 / 5)

  I was with StarTex for eight years and was happy until Constellation acquired them, but I just ditched them. Before Constellation, the phone got answered faster and they were willing to negotiate renewal rates to be competitive. Now you're likely to get stuck on hold when you call and they flatly refused to come off a rate that was 13% higher than a rate from a reputable competitor. Odd way to run a commodity business.

May 30th, 2018

We are so sorry to hear about your negative experience. Give us a call at 1-866-917-8271 so we can be sure to solve this issue.

Constellation Responds September 12th, 2018
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Bad gas company

(1.4 / 5)

  The charge you to pay your bill online. Sometimes the double dip and your payment comes out twice. Sometimes they don't take it out when you set it up. "It's not our fault we use a third party to pay online" I would use anyone but these guys. I didn't choose them, they bought who I had. There web site is ridiculously slow

December 6th, 2017

We are so sorry to hear about your negative experience. Give us a call at 1-866-917-8271 so we can be sure to solve this issue.

Constellation Responds September 26th, 2018
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(1.3 / 5)

  I switched to StarTex after Texas Power began raising our rates into the $.22 range without notice that our plan had expired. StarTex was great at first, bills stayed low then found out they had been estimating for months. Long story short, ended up paying over $700 in one month ON TIME and they still disconnected us the day after I came home from the hospital after major surgery. It took hours and numerous threats to "supervisors" for them to admit I had payed my bills on time & they never should have disconnected our service in the first place. Even the Oncor employee that came to disconnect us said that he has heard lots of complaints on StarTex. They claim to have great customer service but it is among the worst I have ever seen right behind TexasPower. Swithched to Champion and hoping for a better experience.

Amy Carnes
May 30th, 2018

Thank you for your feedback; StarTex Power is more than happy to investigate the issue described in your review, as our customers are our #1 Priority. Please email us at, with your account details, StarTex Power would appreciate the opportunity to address your concerns.

Constellation Responds October 7th, 2010
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Customer Service Nightmare

(1.3 / 5)

  Received a rediculousely high bill. Obviouse meter read error. Customer service representative was rude. Said probably high because of electric heat (I heat house with fireplace).

Startex power has been a nightmare, and once again, I am having a terrible time with customer service trying to get them to correct the meter misread.


T. Jacjson
May 30th, 2018

We are so sorry to hear about your negative experience. Give us a call at 1-866-917-8271 so we can be sure to solve this issue.

Constellation Responds September 26th, 2018
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Too Expensive - 6 years loyal customer

(1.3 / 5)

  Was a 6 year loyal customer, no longer. Their rates are no longer competitive and now they are charging an additional $9.95 because I don't use ENOUGH electricity. Really. Called and stated I would not be renewing and customer service could have cared less. Bye bye.

Will Wisenbaker
May 30th, 2018

Thank you for your feedback; StarTex Power is more than happy to investigate the issue described in your review, as our customers are our #1 Priority. Please email us at, with your account details, StarTex Power would appreciate the opportunity to address your concerns

Constellation Responds March 9th, 2014
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Thanks StarTex for charging $9.95 per month to use LESS electricity!

(1.3 / 5)

  I've been a StarTex power customer for 2 years and my renewal is approaching. To my surprise StarTex has decided to increase the penalty for conserving electricity from $4.99 to $9.95 per month and raised the usage from <500kwh to <1000kwh. Use LESS pay MORE. What a deal! I called Customer Service and was basically told 'too bad, so sad'. It's time to start shopping again and I suggest you do the same.

May 30th, 2018

We are so sorry to hear about your negative experience. Give us a call at 1-866-917-8271 so we can be sure to solve this issue.

Constellation Responds September 26th, 2018
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No contract with Constellation

(1.2 / 5)

  Please, understand that I have canceled my account with Constellation. I was still bound by another contract when I applied. I was told by a third party that my contract with the other company was expiring on June 1st.

July 7th, 2023

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Example Bill