Connecticut Power Utilities & Rates

10 power plans available from 4 providers with rates starting at 9.78¢ per kWh
in the area
For outages in your area call 800-662-7764
10 power plans available from 4 providers with rates starting at 10.18¢ per kWh
in the area
For outages in your area call 800-722-5584

Enter your zip code to find rates near you:

Popular Connecticut Electricity Plans

Plan Name
Monthly Recurring Charge
The 'Monthly Recurring Charge' is a fee that the provider will add to each of your bills in addition to the electricity/gas usage charges.
7 Month Fixed Rate
7 month
Fixed Rate
9.78¢ / kwh
12.6% under market rate
Compared to the current Eversource (formerly CL&P) rate of 11.1900¢ / kwh
$0.00 monthly recurring charge
8 Month Fixed Rate
8 month
Fixed Rate
9.99¢ / kwh
10.7% under market rate
Compared to the current Eversource (formerly CL&P) rate of 11.1900¢ / kwh
$0.00 monthly recurring charge
8 Month Fixed Rate
8 month
Fixed Rate
11.09¢ / kwh
$0.00 monthly recurring charge
20 Month Fixed Rate
20 month
Fixed Rate
11.59¢ / kwh
$0.00 monthly recurring charge
24 Month Fixed Rate
24 month
Fixed Rate
12.69¢ / kwh
$0.00 monthly recurring charge
12 Month Fixed Rate
12 month
Fixed Rate
12.69¢ / kwh
$0.00 monthly recurring charge
12 Month Fixed Rate
12 month
Fixed Rate
13.29¢ / kwh
$0.00 monthly recurring charge
24 Month Fixed Rate
24 month
Fixed Rate
13.39¢ / kwh
$0.00 monthly recurring charge
12 Month Fixed Rate
12 month
Fixed Rate
13.79¢ / kwh
$0.00 monthly recurring charge
12 Month Fixed Rate
12 month
Fixed Rate
13.99¢ / kwh
$0.00 monthly recurring charge

Connecticut Electricity Rates by City

AndoverAnsoniaAshfordAvonBalticBarkhamstedBeacon FallsBerlinBethelBethlehemBloomfieldBoltonBozrahBranfordBridgeportBridgewaterBristolBrookfieldBrooklynBurlingtonCanaanCanterburyCantonChaplinCheshireChesterClintonColchesterColebrookCollinsvilleColumbiaCornwallCornwall BridgeCoventryCromwellDanburyDanielsonDarienDeep RiverDerbyDurhamEast BerlinEast GranbyEast HaddamEast HamptonEast HavenEast LymeEast WindsorEastfordEastonEllingtonEnfieldEssexFairfieldFalls VillageFarmingtonFranklinGlastonburyGoshenGranbyGreenwichGrotonGuilfordHaddamHamptonHartfordHartlandHebronKentKillinglyKillingworthLebanonLedyardLisbonLitchfieldLymeMadisonManchesterMansfield CenterMarlboroughMASHANTUCKETMeridenMiddleburyMiddlefieldMiddletownMilfordMonroeMontvilleMoodusMoosupMorrisMysticN GROSVENORDLNaugatuckNew BritainNew CanaanNew FairfieldNew HartfordNew HavenNew LondonNew MilfordNewtownNorfolkNorth BranfordNorth CanaanNorth GranbyNorth HavenNorth StoningtonNorth WindhamNorthfordNorwalkNorwichOld GreenwichOld LymeOld SaybrookOrangePlainfieldPlainvillePlymouthPomfretPomfret CenterPoquonockPortlandPutnamQuaker HillReddingRidgefieldRivertonRocky HillRoxburySalisburySandy HookScotlandSeymourSharonSheltonShermanSILVER LANESimsburySomersSouth GlastonburySouth WindsorSouthburySouthingtonSpragueStaffordStaffordvilleStamfordSterlingStoningtonSTORRS MANFLDStratfordSuffieldTariffvilleThomastonThompsonTollandTorringtonTrumbullUnionVERNON ROCKVLVoluntownWallingfordWASHINGTON DTWaterburyWaterfordWatertownWest CornwallWest GranbyWest HartlandWest HavenWest SimsburyWestbrookWestonWestportWethersfieldWillimanticWillingtonWiltonWINCHESTR CTRWindhamWindsorWindsor LocksWinstedWolcottWoodburyWoodstock