We've put together some of the basics about cancelation fees in Connecticut when switching from one provider to another. We hope that this information will enable you to find the best CT electric rates and services for your energy needs.
The basics
First of all, you may have heard about exorbinate cancellation fees charged by electricity suppliers in CT. In the past, customers would sign up for a new service, enticed by the attractive Connecticut rates. But when they tried to cancel their plan, they would be hit by a high termination fee. The good news is that this is not the case anymore - which we will go into a little later.
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Connecticut Electricity Switching The rules
The Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) take care of the public's right to reliable and safe energy. In Connecticut, this means PURA cover the two utility companies that generate all the electricity sold in the state. These companies are called United Illuminating Company - or UI - and Eversource.
Eversource and UI will give consumers their power if they do not sign up to an alternative supplier. They are what is known as standard service suppliers, and they charge a fixed fee which can change every six months. However, you can change your provider to an alternative and enjoy better rates.
But this is where cancellation fees come in. PURA do not allow UI or Eversource to make a profit from the electricity they provide you via other suppliers. So, there are no enrollment or cancellation fees applicable when you move to or leave them. But other companies don't have these restrictions, and the charges tend to be market led. One company might charge nothing, while another might charge $25, and so on.
Connecticut Cancellation fees
Business users will find their alternative energy supplier can charge them uncapped cancellation fees. Residential customers are also never charged an early termination fee.
There are some other rules that suppliers have to follow that might involve cancellation. For example, providers must notify you about a change in your generation rate when your fixed term plan is coming to an end.
You should also be aware that switching can only occur if the date of your next meter reading. This means you should start the switching process ten days before your next meter reading. It will give both suppliers the time to verify your information.
Connecticut Energy News:
CT Utilities and Lawmakers Face 3 Big Electric Rate Problems
Eversource to Raise Standard Service Rates 7.2% in January
Eversource Tells Customers to Shop 3rd Party Suppliers
UI Requests 9% Rate Hike on Customer Bills
CT Consumers Still Seeking Relief from Crazy Electric Bills
CT Energy Customers Rise Against Higher Eversource UI Bill Charges
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CT Electric Utilities Prep for Active Hurricane Season
Where Does CT Electricity Come From?
CT Energy Ratings Resources:
United Illuminating FAQ
Understanding Your United Illuminating Bill
How to understand Your Eversource Bill
Types of Energy Contracts
CT Energy Provider Switching Rules
How We Score Providers
High Bill? Here's what you can do
Why Use CT Energy Ratings
How to Switch Connecticut Electricity Companies
Connecticut Energy Choice
Connecticut Electricity Cancelation Charges
10 Quick Energy Saving Tips
Eversource Energy FAQ
Connecticut Energy Deregulation History