Are you looking to switch from United Illuminating (UI) or Eversource (The old CP&L) Standard Service in Connecticut to a competitive retailer, there are several things to consider.
Standard Service in Connecticut
Standard Service is the generational supply package that you will get from the two utilities in CT. If you do not choose an alternative supplier, you will be on Standard Service by default.
You are entitled to switch providers if you feel your Connecticut electric rates will be cheaper. There are several electricity providers CT that all offer different services. But, there are also some ground rules about switching.
How to Switch Suppliers
Your first step is to shop for a new energy rate. Whether you're shopping for natural gas or electricity, you can start on our site and find a great rate. You can decide to switch from the Standard Service supplied by UI or Eversource at any time. The Switch is seemless. Nothing changes, just your electricity rate. Once you've been accepted, your service will switch after your next meter read. So if you sign up for an alternative provider on the 5th and your meter read is on the 20th. Your service will not be switched until after the 20th. Check your latest bill and the date should be displayed there.
How to switch back to Standard Service
You may not be happy with your new Connecticut electric rates, in which case you could consider switching back to Standard Service. There are a few things to know about the process.
First of all, the electricity suppliers in CT change their rates every six months - once on January 1st, and again on July 1st every year. The rates are fixed, and both UI and Eversource will publish any changes around seven weeks before the change. It allows consumers to make correct choices about whether switching back will be beneficial.
Customers switching back should always contact UI or Eversource. Switching via your current supplier can often end up with delays. Ensure you have all your account information whenever you contact the generational suppliers. It is usual for UI and Eversource to process your enrolment and switch your electricity within 72 hours. Bear in mind that if you are in a contract with an alternative supplier, there will be cancellation fees.
Connecticut Energy News:
CT Utilities and Lawmakers Face 3 Big Electric Rate Problems
Eversource to Raise Standard Service Rates 7.2% in January
Eversource Tells Customers to Shop 3rd Party Suppliers
UI Requests 9% Rate Hike on Customer Bills
CT Consumers Still Seeking Relief from Crazy Electric Bills
CT Energy Customers Rise Against Higher Eversource UI Bill Charges
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Where Does CT Electricity Come From?
CT Energy Ratings Resources:
United Illuminating FAQ
Understanding Your United Illuminating Bill
How to understand Your Eversource Bill
Types of Energy Contracts
CT Energy Provider Switching Rules
How We Score Providers
High Bill? Here's what you can do
Why Use CT Energy Ratings
How to Switch Connecticut Electricity Companies
Connecticut Energy Choice
Connecticut Electricity Cancelation Charges
10 Quick Energy Saving Tips
Eversource Energy FAQ
Connecticut Energy Deregulation History