United Illuminating FAQ

United Illuminating Energy Rates

United Illuminating- or UI - is an electrical distribution company in Orange, Connecticut. It is one of two electric companies in Connecticut that owns and operates electricity transmission and delivery in the state. UI is also one for the default suppliers of electricity, who you will pay your CT electricity rates if you do not choose another supplier. Here are some frequently asked questions about United Illuminating. They should be of interest to anyone looking for CT electricity rates.

What area or territory does UI cover?

United Illuminating provides electrical power for 17 towns in Connecticut. It serves 320,000 customers throughout the Greater New Haven and Greater Bridgeport areas. UI is a default supplier of electricity. If you do not choose an alternative supplier, you might automatically be placed with the company as your provider.

Who uses UI?

UI has customers in both residential and business sectors. It also takes part in many different projects across the region. For example, they will often join projects to improve power grid reliability in southwest Connecticut.

What can I expect from UI?

UI sell several different power packages to residential and business customers. In general terms, your UI electric bill will be split into two parts. A percentage will be for delivery, which is the service UI provides and sends electricity to your home. You will also pay a portion for Generation, which describes the cost of generating your electricity. It's here that you have a choice - to use UI's Generation service at no markup or to choose from an alternative supplier.

Can I choose an alternative supplier?

Yes. You can choose any supplier that offers you better rates and terms than you might be getting from UI. Switching to another of the electric companies in Connecticut is possible. You can do this as often as once a month, although most companies will insist on contracts and cancellation fees. However, before switching, you should also bear in mind that there may be extra costs. Suppliers will operate with different standards. Some will have better customer service than others, for example, and fees might fluctuate after the contract period.

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Which parts of my electric service are UI's responsibility?

If you are a UI customer, they are responsible for all electrical equipment that delivers their service. However, this only applies up to the connection point attached to your home. Customers are responsible for any wiring or equipment beyond the electrical meter. This includes anything after the connection point, the weather head, entrance cables and meter base. If anything other than the lines running to your home and the meter box is damaged, you will need to hire an electrician to fix it. Once you do that, UI will be able to reconnect your energy and restart your service.

Does UI assist people with fixed or low incomes to save energy?

UI run several different programs, including one for families with an income less than 60% of the median income in Connecticut. Known as the Home Energy Solutions program, it offers people the opportunity to learn about how they can reduce energy. And, of course, their CT electricity rates.