We've been helping people navigate deregulated energy markets since 2009. Connecticut Energy Ratings is a service that's dedicated to helping the consumer. We understand that it can be difficult to navigate the deregulated energy market. So, we're here to assist you, and help you find more info on what's out there.
Here are some of the reasons you should use Connecticut Energy Ratings over Energize CT:
Save Time
The number one reason you should use this services is to compare energy providers in the area. We take a look at all the electricity rates in CT and find the best ones on offer. It's the best way of looking at all the suppliers out there. You have all of them in one place, and it's simple to compare each one. By comparing providers, we also save you a lot of time and effort. Too many people stick with the same energy provider for decades. This is largely because they don't have the time to research every other provider. We take the effort out of your hands and compare providers in minutes. You can easily find a new plan that suits you, in less than half an hour.
Lower Monthly Bills
High monthly bills are a massive problem for most people in Connecticut. Excessive electricity usage could cause you to incur extra charges on your current plan. This may make it harder for you to pay all of your bills on time. Consequently, you miss payments and end up in a debt cycles. All of this can be avoided if you use Connecticut Energy Ratings. We've had customers state ‘I want to lower my electric bill? when they come to us. We show you how much you can save each month if you make the switch to a better provider. Compare CT electricity providers and find the best offer, with the most savings. Now, you have a more manageable electric bill, and will save money each month.
See Customer Reviews
You also get to see lots of customer reviews for various energy providers. This is an essential part of choosing a new provider. We bring all the reviews into one place, meaning you don't have to go looking all over the internet. By seeing what other customers, you get a clearer picture of what an energy provider is like. As a consumer, you benefit a lot from using Connecticut Energy Ratings. Let our service help you in your quest for affordable energy.
Understand Valuable Information
We're much more than a standard price comparison website. We also strive to make the energy market as understandable as possible for you. You can read through our resources and look at some of the frequently asked questions. We provide information to help consumers make more sense out of everything. Our services can help you understand the different energy plans on offer, as well as helping you with certain keywords and phrases. We even go as far as to help you understand your energy bill in more detail. The benefit of all this is that you learn new information. As a result, you can approach the energy market with more confidence and understanding. By doing this, you can make educated decisions that help improve your life.
Connecticut Energy News:
CT Utilities and Lawmakers Face 3 Big Electric Rate Problems
Eversource to Raise Standard Service Rates 7.2% in January
Eversource Tells Customers to Shop 3rd Party Suppliers
UI Requests 9% Rate Hike on Customer Bills
CT Consumers Still Seeking Relief from Crazy Electric Bills
CT Energy Customers Rise Against Higher Eversource UI Bill Charges
Public Benefits Charges Push Up CT Standard Offer Prices
CT Electric Utilities Prep for Active Hurricane Season
Where Does CT Electricity Come From?
CT Energy Ratings Resources:
United Illuminating FAQ
Understanding Your United Illuminating Bill
How to understand Your Eversource Bill
Types of Energy Contracts
CT Energy Provider Switching Rules
How We Score Providers
High Bill? Here's what you can do
Why Use CT Energy Ratings
How to Switch Connecticut Electricity Companies
Connecticut Energy Choice
Connecticut Electricity Cancelation Charges
10 Quick Energy Saving Tips
Eversource Energy FAQ
Connecticut Energy Deregulation History