Charge/Fee Reviews

Problems with Fees and Charges (411 reviews)

Verde Energy has a great starting rate

(5 / 5)

  Currently using Verde Energy through PPL and haven't had any issues yet. Last company after fulfilling my year, decided to charge me 2x my normal rate, so I switched. I will see how Verde Energy charges after my contract is completed.

February 28th, 2024

Verde Energy Logo

Verde Energy

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3-year fixed rate, budget certainty

(5 / 5)

  I'm in the PPL territory and I signed up for their Clean 36 plan. 3 year fixed rate with no fees or penalties. I like knowing exactly what my rate will be every month, especially when rates are high and expected to just go higher, over time. They sent me an email letting me know that my plan is 100% clean energy and that they're protecting 50 trees in the rainforest for every customer. Not bad. Think has a referral program where you can get long-term discounts on your rate for referring friends/family. Haven't used it yet, but will.

Anthony M.
May 28th, 2023

Think Energy Logo

Think Energy

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